Charge per night per person without tax (with tax)

Regular SeasonBusy DaysSpecial Days
one person per room7500(8250)9000(9900)11000(12100)
two-four people per room7500(8250)8000(8800)10000(11000)
dinner and breakfast
Regular SeasonBusy DaysSpecial Days
one person per room5000(5500)6500(7150)8000(8800)
two-four people per room5000(5500)5500(6050)7000(7700)
Regular SeasonBusy DaysSpecial Days
one person per room4546(5000)6000(6600)7000(7700)
two-four people per room4546(5000)5000(5500)6000(6600)
No meals

Regular SeasonBusy Days
Added Charge
Special Days
Added Charge
Adult (Older than eleven years)100%500~1650up1600~3850up
Primary School Students (From 6 to 11 years old)
(Infants with meals and beds)
70% of Adult Charge500~1650up1600~3850up
Infants with meals50% of Adult Charge500~1650up1600~3850up
Infants with beds30% of Adult Charge500~1650up1600~3850up
Charge for children

In order to decide the number of the guests for one room, we count an elementary school student an adult.
(e.g.) If one adult and an elementary school student stay in our house, the charge is for two people.